Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Use "the main reasons" in a Sentence

Example Sentences for "the main reasons"
  1. The increased use of CT scans has been the greatest in two fields: screening of adults and CT imaging of children. Shortening of the scanning time to around 1 second, eliminating the strict need for the subject to remain still or be sedated, is one of the main reasons for the large increase in the pediatric population ( especially for the diagnosis of appendicitis ) . As of 2007 in the United States a proportion of CT scans are performed unnecessarily. Some estimates place this number at 30%. There are a number of reasons for this including: legal concerns, financial incentives, and desire by the public. There is also otherwise healthy people receiving full body CT scans as screening for which there is no evidence to support
  2. Unfortunately, there is also a cost in structurally keeping inflation lower than in the US, UK and China. The result is that seen from those countries, the euro has become expensive, making European products increasingly expensive for its largest importers. Hence export from the euro zone becomes more difficult. This is one of the main reasons why economic growth inside the euro zone now lags behind growth in other large economies. This effect is strongest in European countries with a weak economy
  3. Throughout the nineteenth century public health, sanitation and the influence of miasma became the main reasons to cremate. The miasma theory believed that infectious diseases were spread by noxious gases emitted from decaying organic matter, which included decaying corpses. This public health argument for cremation faded along with the miasma theory
  4. Researchers demonstrated within hours of the product release that the third generation iPad can be "jailbroken" to use applications and programs that are not authorized by Apple. The third generation iPad can be jailbroken with Redsn0w 0.9.12 or Absinthe 2.0. Jailbreaking voids the factory warranty. One of the main reasons for jailbreaking is to expand the feature set limited by Apple and its App Store. Most jailbreaking tools automatically install Cydia, a native iOS APT client used for finding and installing software for jailbroken iOS devices. Many apps unapproved by Apple are extensions and customizations for iOS and other apps. Users install these programs to personalize and customize the interface, adding desired features and fixing annoyances, and simplify app development by providing access to the filesystem and command-line tools

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