Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Use "in this article" in a Sentence

Example Sentences for "in this article"
  1. The classification of which councils make up Sydney varies. The Local Government Association of New South Wales considers all LGAs lying entirely in Cumberland County as part of its ' Metro ' group, which excludes Camden. The Australian Bureau of Statistics defines a Sydney Statistical Division ( the population figures of which are used in this article ) that includes all of the above councils as well as Wollondilly, the Blue Mountains, Hawkesbury, Gosford and Wyong
  2. Notable events of 2008 in video gaming. See also history of video games. The release dates listed in this article are the games ' original release dates
  3. It should be noted that, due to the staged nature of wrestling, these are not actual "rules" in the sense that they would be considered in similar articles about actual sports like freestyle wrestling. Instead, the "rules" in this article are implemented and supposedly enforced for the sake of suspension of disbelief
  4. All of the concentrations and concentration corrections in this article apply only to air and other gases. They are not applicable for liquids
  5. This article is based on the 1913 book The Snakes of Europe, by G. A. Boulenger, which is now in the public domain in the United States. Because of its age, the text in this article should not necessarily be viewed as reflecting the current knowledge of snake venom
  6. The signs of the lens ' radii of curvature indicate whether the corresponding surfaces are convex or concave. The sign convention used to represent this varies, but in this article if R1 is positive the first surface is convex, and if R1 is negative the surface is concave. The signs are reversed for the back surface of the lens: if R2 is positive the surface is concave, and if R2 is negative the surface is convex. If either radius is infinite, the corresponding surface is flat. With this convention the signs are determined by the shapes of the lens surfaces, and are independent of the direction in which light travels through the lens
  7. The historical language of Alsace is Alsatian, similar to Germanic and Franconian dialects spoken in Lorraine and across the Rhine, but today practically all Alsatians speak French, the official language of France. 43% of the adult population, and 3% of children, stated in 2012 that they speak Alsatian. The place names used in this article are in French. See this list for the German place names
  8. The risks discussed in this article are at least Global and Terminal in intensity. These types of risks are ones where an adverse outcome would either annihilate intelligent life on Earth, or permanently and drastically reduce its potential. Jamais Cascio made an alternative classification system

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